Email Marketing Campaigns

You use email marketing campaigns to advertise jobs to candidates and generate and track job applications and referrals.

You can also use email marketing campaigns to promote recruiting events and activities and capture candidate responses like an RSVP for an upcoming recruiting event or learn more about the company's benefits and corporate culture.

With email marketing campaigns, you can:

  • Market jobs to targeted candidate audiences. Hard to fill positions can be advertised to relevant candidates, improving the quality of job applications.
  • Promote recruiting efforts with branded, easy to build emails.
  • Track campaign metrics to measure campaign messaging effectiveness.
  • Attribute job application and referral sources to campaigns and track the quality of hires.
When the campaign is active and the first campaign email is sent, you can view campaign details such as conversion rate, response breakdown, and email metrics. These details are available on the Overview tab of the campaign.
  • The conversion rate indicates the current response count obtained out of the campaign goal. The count takes into account all the emails in the campaign (primary email and follow-up emails). For example, the conversion rate circle graph indicates that the Apply to Job campaign obtained five responses to achieve the goal of obtaining ten job applications.
  • The response breakdown indicates the count obtained for each response defined for the Respond to Request campaign. For Apply for Job and Refer Job campaigns, the response breakdown shows the count of job applications and referrals. The response counts taken into account all of the emails in the campaign.
  • The email metrics indicate the count obtained for the emails that were opened, clicked, bounced, and unsubscribed. You can see metrics for the primary email and follow-up emails on the campaign details page. The card view shows the primary email's metrics. The Refer Job campaign doesn't currently support unsubscribes, even though this category is displayed in the email metrics graph.