Job Application States Within the Job Offer Phase

A job application goes through different states within the Job Offer phase.

The table presents the states within the Job Offer phase.

State in the Job Offer Phase


To Be Created

No job offer exists yet. To create a job offer, you need the privilege Initiate Job Offer (IRC_INITIATE_JOB_OFFER).


Pending Approval




These are states within the normal job offer path.

Approval Rejected

Withdrawn by Candidate


These are inactive states.

This diagram shows the different states of a candidate job application when it goes through the job offer lifecycle. The states that a successful candidate's job offer goes through are presented in the center of the diagram. There are also a few states for when the job offer gets stopped in the process for some reason. The arrows going back and forth between states show that the job offer can get redrafted if necessary at various points. The goal is to reach the final state Accepted so that the candidate can finally get passed forward to the HR processing in the last phase of the recruiting lifecycle. Note that it is not possible to add or remove any states from the Job Offer phase.

This diagram shows the different states of a candidate job application when it goes through the job offer lifecycle.