Job Offer Actions and Privileges

Users with specific privileges can perform several actions depending on the job offer state.


Description and Privilege or Duty Role

Create Offer

You create a job offer to detail the proposed assignment, salary, and other details to be used if and when the candidate accepts the offer and starts working in their new assignment.

If your tasks consist of selecting the right candidate for the requisition, drafting the job offer completely, and sending it for approval, you need these privileges or duty roles:

  • Initiate Job Offer
  • View Job Offer (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer (duty role)
  • View Job Offer Salary (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer Salary (duty role)
  • View Job Offer Other Compensation (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer Other Compensation (duty role)
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

However, if the above tasks are shared between two roles, a hiring manager and a recruiter, then the hiring manager needs the Initiate Job Offer privilege to use the Create Offer action to move a candidate's job application into the Offer - Draft status. The hiring manager can communicate any intentions or notes to the recruiter and Offer Team using the Comment field. Then the recruiter performs the other tasks. For details, see Create a Job Offer.

Edit Offer

You edit a job offer to modify its content. The Edit Offer action is available for job offers in the Draft state.

Privileges or duty roles required for this action:

  • View Job Offer (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer (duty role)
  • Any additional standard privileges

If you need to edit fields related to money, you also need these duty roles:

  • View Job Offer Salary (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer Salary (duty role)
  • View Job Offer Other Compensation (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer Other Compensation (duty role)

Submit Offer

You submit a job offer to have it approved by approvers. The Submit Offer action is available for job offers in the Draft state. The action is available while editing the offer.

Privileges or duty roles required for this action:

  • View Job Offer (duty role)
  • Update Job Offer (duty role)
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

Extend Offer

You use the Extend Offer action to communicate a job offer to a candidate. The Extend Offer action is available for job offers in the Approved state.

Privileges required for this action:

  • Communicate Job Offer
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

Resend Offer

You use the Resend Offer action if the candidate deleted or misplaced the email that contains the link to reach a job offer on the career site. The Resend Offer action is available for job offers in the Extended state.

Privileges or duty roles required for this action:

  • View Job Offer (duty role)
  • Communicate Job Offer
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

Accept Offer

You use the Accept Offer action to accept the offer on behalf of the candidate. The Accept Offer action is available for job offers in the Extended state, or in the Approved state if the Extend state is configured to be skipped.

Privileges required for this action:

  • Communicate Job Offer
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

To capture a negative response to an offer on behalf of a candidate, you use the Move Candidate action.

Redraft Offer

You use the Redraft Offer action to revise the job offer and start the Offer phase lifecycle again. The Redraft Offer action is available for job offers in all states of the Offer phase except Pending Approval. From later phases, it's available from states Withdraw by Candidate and Rejected by Employer.

Privileges required for this action:

  • Initiate Job Offer
  • Move Candidate Job Applications

Preview Offer

You use the Preview Offer action to see how the job offer letter appears to the candidate.

Duty role required for this action:

  • View Job Offer (duty role)
  • BI Consumer

To see tokens resolved in the offer letter, you need these duty roles:

  • View Job Offer Salary (duty role)
  • View Job Offer Other Compensation (duty role)
  • BI Author

Move Candidate

Use the Move Candidate action to change to states Withdrawn by Candidate or Rejected.

To perform the Move Candidate action to these inactive states while the candidate is in the Offer phase (before the Extended state), this privilege is required: :

  • Move Candidate Job Applications

To perform the Move Candidate action to these inactive states while the candidate is in Extended or Accepted state, or any subsequent custom phase, these privileges are required:

  • Move Candidate Job Applications
  • Communicate Job Offer

To perform the Move Candidate action to these inactive states while the candidate is in the HR phase, this action is done by the HR specialists who need this privilege:

  • Address Job Offer

Move to HR

The Move to HR action is available for job offers in the Accepted state and in any subsequent custom phase that may be configured after the Offer phase. The action is always shown for external candidates. If a custom phase is configured after the Offer phase and before the HR phase:

  • The Move action will move the candidate forward into a state in that custom phase.
  • The Move to HR action will skip the custom phase and go directly to the HR phase.

To perform the Move to HR action, you need this privilege:

  • Communicate Job Offer

Delete Job Application

The Delete Job Application action is available for job offers in the Withdrawn by Candidate or Rejected states.

Privilege required for this action:

  • Delete Candidate Job Application
  • View Candidate Job Application
View Duplicates When the duplicate check is configured during the Move to HR and when one or more duplicates have been identified, the View Duplicates action brings you to the list of possible duplicates. You don't need any additional privilege to see this action.