Recruiting Activity Center

With the Recruiting Activity Center, recruiters and hiring managers have a place to easily access and manage recruiting activities related to the job requisitions, job applications, and job offers they own.

Users granted the privilege Access Recruiting Activity Center (IRC_ACCESS_RECRUITING_ACTIVITY_CENTER) can view and access the Recruiting Activity Center quick action. Recruiters can access the quick action in My Client Groups > Hiring, while hiring managers can access it in My Team > Hiring.

When you're in the Recruiting Activity Center, you can view a list of activities in each area and easily see which ones are of high priority. When you click the name of a job requisition or job application activity, a window opens and you can view more info about the activity.

From the activities list, you can take action directly using an Action button or an action from the Actions menu. Depending on the action, you're taken to the Hiring work area, either in the job requisition, job application, or job offer details page. Or, for some actions, an action panel opens and you can perform the action directly in the Recruiting Activity Center without having to go to Hiring.

You can dismiss an activity. When you that, the activity will no longer appear in the activity list. However, it might still be present in another user's activity list. For example, if a recruiter dismisses a requisition approval rejected activity it would still appear in the hiring manager's activity list. A dismissed activity item could reappear in a user's activity list if the triggering conditions were met again. Using the above example, if the hiring manager redrafted the requisition and the approval was again rejected, the recruiter would see a new activity item for the approval rejection.

Things to consider:

  • Some activity items are generated as soon as the triggering conditions have been met whereas other activity items are created after a specified time delay.
  • Many actions suggested in the activity list will bring you to the job requisition, job application, or job offer details page where you'll need to perform the action. You can use the back arrow on the details page to return to the activity list.
    • Some actions might be suggested in the activity list that you might not have the necessary privileges to perform. You won't see the action available upon navigating to the details page where the action would typically be performed.
  • When Office 365 integration is enabled for interview scheduling, the 'Interviewer proposed new time' activity item won't be triggered in Recruiting Activity Center.