Send Messages to Candidates

You can send messages to candidates using preconfigured email or SMS templates, or by creating emails or SMS from scratch.

How does the application choose between email and SMS? It depends if your administrator enabled and configured the SMS Communications feature. If SMS Communications isn't configured, users receive emails. If SMS Communications is configured, the following rules apply:
  • If the email and SMS content is created in the Recruiting Content Library, candidates receive the messages according to their communication preference.

    • If candidates use phone when applying for a job for the first time, they will continue to receive SMS.

    • If candidates use email when applying for a job for the first time, they will continue to receive email.

  • If your organization decides to send only emails to candidates, the SMS message in the Recruiting Content Library needs to be empty. In such case, candidates receive emails in spite of SMS being their message preference.

You can send messages from the Candidate Search page, from a list of job applications and prospects, and from within a candidate pool. Let's say you're on a job applications list:

  1. Select one or multiple candidates.
  2. In the Actions menu, select Send Message.
  3. Create a message using a template or a blank message.
    • If you select a template, the list of templates available for selection depends on the context where you initiated the Send Message action. For example, if you use the action from the job applications list, only job application notifications are available. In the requisition context, the list of templates available for selection may be further refined depending on the contextualization defined on the template. If you have the privilege Update Email Created from Template (IRC_UPDATE_EMAIL_CREATED_FROM_TEMPLATE), you can edit the template.
    • If you create a message from scratch, enter the subject and content of the message. Rich text features are available to format the email text, while only plain text can be used to author SMS text. You can also use tokens.
    • When the candidates you selected have a mix of email and SMS preferences, the message is sent to the candidate in the right format based on the email or SMS preference.
  4. You can preview the message before sending it to see how it will appear to candidates.
    Tokens are resolved. Styling, images, and branding are applied. If you send the message to multiple candidates, tokens are resolved for one candidate as an example. Note that in preview mode, the View in Browser link doesn't work.
  5. Click Send.


When the message is sent, an interaction note of type email or SMS is automatically added in the Messages tab where the action was launched (candidate profile, candidate job application, prospect, candidate pool). By default, the interactions list is filtered to the current candidate context, for example, the current job application or candidate profile. The interactions list can also show all other interactions to which you have access. The message sent displays the name of the recruiter, regardless of whether the two-way communication is enabled.
For Twilio and Syniverse service providers, one of these status indicators appear next to each message:
  • Sent – Indicates that it was sent successfully from Recruiting.
  • Delivered – Indicates that it reached the candidate’s phone number.
  • Failed – Indicates that it failed to deliver.

For other providers, the default status is Sent.

This feature uses the Webhook functionality. To use it, you must configure the Delivery Status Callback Webhook URL in the Twilio and Syniverse service providers' accounts. For these configuration steps, see the document Candidate Communication on My Oracle Support (ID 2968395.1).

To use this feature with Twilio, you need to use the messaging service SID instead of the "From" phone number when configuring Twilio as an SMS provider.