Where You Can See Job Offers

There are several places where you can see job offers.

Job Offers Page, in Hiring Work Area

Recruiters can see job offers under My Client Groups > Hiring > Job Offers. Hiring managers can see job offers under My Team > Hiring > Job Offers.

The Job Offers page lists job applications in the Offer phase. As soon as a job application leaves the Offer phase, it's no longer displayed on the page.

To see job offers, recruiters and hiring managers need the privilege View Job Offer (IRC_VIEW_JOB_OFFER). They can only see offers based on specific data security.

The Actions menu for each offer lists the most-frequently used actions that you can take for that candidate's offer. Note that the Move action is available only to change the job application's state to Withdrawn by Candidate and Rejected by Employer. When users click on a job application, they're brought to the Offer tab of the application.

Job Application's Offer Tab

Recruiters and hiring managers can see a job offer for a specific candidate application under My Client Groups > Hiring > Job Requisitions > Job Application

The Offer tab becomes available as soon as the job application is moved to the Offer - Draft status.

To see the Offer tab and its content, recruiters and hiring managers need specific privileges and data security.

The Actions menu lists actions relevant to the phase and state of the job application. Only actions to which users have access according to their privileges are displayed.

Job Offers Page, from Quick Action

HR specialists can see job offers under My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Manage Job Offers

The Job Offers page, reached from the Manage Job Offers quick action, lists job applications in the HR phase. If a job application ever leaves the HR phase (by redrafting the job offer), it's no longer displayed on the page.

To view the quick action and access the Job Offers page, HR specialists need the privilege Address Job Offers. They can only see offers based on specific data security.

The Actions menu lists actions that are appropriate for the HR specialists to perform on this offer, at this point in the lifecycle.

When the HR specialists click on a job offer, they're brought to the offer's details page.

Job Offers Details Page

HR specialists can see a job offer for a specific candidate application under My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Manage Job Offers > Job Offer .

When the HR specialists click on a specific offer from the Job Offers page, they land on a page that contains all the details of the offer. They don't see the candidate's full job application.

The Actions menu lists actions relevant to the state of the offer.