Manage Shared Interview Schedules

As an interview coordinator, you can create shared interview schedules which can be used on multiple job requisitions to prevent having to create similar interview schedules for each requisition.

A quick action called Manage Shared Interview Schedules is available under My Team > Hiring and My Client Groups > Hiring.

Note: You need the Manage Job Requisition Interview Schedule privilege to access the Manage Shared Interview Schedules work area.

From the Manage Shared Interview Schedules page, you can view a list of shared interview schedules. By default, the list is filtered to show active and published schedules. It's also sorted by last modified date, from the most recent to the oldest. You can quickly view if the schedule is used or not in requisitions.

When you click on a shared schedule, you can view the details of the schedule such as interview slots, associated requisitions, schedule type, location details, settings.

You can create a shared interview schedule. You can create a shared schedule using a template or create it from scratch using a blank form. When you’re done creating the shared schedule, it’s automatically activated.

For each shared interview schedule, you can use different actions such as Inactivate Schedule, Translate Schedule, Duplicate Template. When shared schedules are created and activated, hiring managers or recruiters can add them to job requisitions.