Coordinate Interviews

As an interview coordinator, you can view and manage interview requests, you can see your scheduled interviews, foresee upcoming interviews, and see interviews on which you're also an interviewer.

A quick action called Coordinate Interviews is available under My Client Groups > Hiring.

Note: You need the Coordinate Candidate Interviews and Feedback privilege to access the Coordinate Interviews work area.
The page displays information into 4 tabs:
  • Interview Requests: As an interview coordinator, you can view a list of interview requests created for you. Each request displays the candidate name and number, the requisition name and number, the request status, the name of the person who created the request, and the date of the request. You can filter the list of requests. You can click on a request to view its details and send an interview invite. You can also delete the request and change the request status.

  • Scheduled Interviews: You can see a calendar displaying all the interviews for requisitions on which you own an interview schedule. Use filters to display scheduled interviews by their status, requisitions, candidates, and interviewers. A color code is used so you can easily see the different statuses of the interviews. Click on an interview to see interview details, interviewers, and candidates who will be interviewed.

  • My Interviews: You can see a calendar showing scheduled interviews for which you're the interviewer. You can filter the interviews by their status. A color code is used so you can easily see the different statuses of the interviews.

  • My Availability: You can define when you're available for candidate interviews.