Candidate Interview Time Zones

Candidate notifications and interview scheduling areas reflect the candidate's time zone. This ensures that the candidate and interview coordinators are scheduling interviews at the appropriate times.

When possible, the candidate's time zone is captured and displayed on the scheduling pages. Users creating and managing interviews can define which time zone to be used. When viewing interview details in read-only areas, the time is converted to the viewing user's time zone.

  • The candidate's time zone is displayed in the Preferences section on the candidate details tab.
    Note: The Preferences section isn't displayed on the job application details tab.
  • When a Recruiting user schedules an interview on behalf of a candidate, the time zone is displayed next to the start and end date fields. The time picker defaults to the candidate's time zone.
  • When a Recruiting user scheduled an interview, or view a schedule time slot, the user sees the time and time zone based on their regional preference setting in HCM.
    Note: If a candidate doesn't have a preferred time zone defined, notifications will use the interview organizer's time zone preference.
  • For internal candidates, the time zone defined in their regional preference in HCM is used.
  • If external candidates have no value set for their preferred time zone, it will be automatically captured based on the candidate's browser time zone.