Configure the Opportunity Marketplace Email Template

Opportunity Marketplace sends recommendation emails to job seekers to notify them of new opportunities that match their preferences.

You can customize the email alert template by using Recruiting Content Library.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
    • Task: Recruiting Content Library.
  2. Create or edit a Marketplace Opportunity Notification (ORA_OM_OPPORTUNITY_ALERT).
  3. Click Save.


Opportunity marketplace alert sends out new jobs (and gigs if you are using gigs) as per alert frequency.

If you don't want the legacy job alert to be sent, you must deactivate the Job Alert Internal Notification (ORA_JOB_ALERT_INT) template.

Note: If you've made any customization in the Job Alert Internal Notification template, you can copy them to the Marketplace Opportunity Notification.