Hide the Current Jobs Menu Under Me

When Opportunity Marketplace is enabled, you can optionally hide the Current Jobs menu under Me for users who have Opportunity Marketplace Seeker privileges.

Hiding the Current Jobs menu means that users will only be able to use Opportunity Marketplace to search for internal jobs.

  1. Access the Me section in structure configurations, and find the configuration for Current Jobs navigation.
  2. Edit the current job navigation entry, and select the EL Expression option under the Show on Springboard field.
  3. Edit the EL expression and include the following text:
    #{Offerings.isFeatureEnabledForImplementation.ORA_IRC_RCE and!((securityContext.userGrantedPermission['permissionClass=oracle.adf.share.security.authorization.MethodPermission;target=oracle.apps.hcm.recruiting.common.publicModel.util.RecSecurityUtil.isOppMktSeeker; action=invoke']) and(Profile.values.ORA_HCM_OPP_MARKET_PLACE_JOBS eq 'Y')) }
  4. Save and close the edited navigation entry.