Create a Candidate Without Email, Phone, or Both

You can allow recruiters and hiring managers to create candidates even though they don't have an email, phone, or both. This can be the case with seasonal, temporary, or construction workers.

Recruiters and hiring managers can take the candidates though the application, interview, and offer process without any communication. At a later time, they can add a phone or email, if needed and available.

By default, the Email field is a required field. Based on your business needs, you can configure your career sites so that email is required when candidates apply for a job or that phone is required. All candidates will have at least email or phone (or both, if the candidate enters the info).

You can create rules in Transaction Design Studio to set the email and phone fields as required.

  1. Activate a sandbox and page editing at the Site layer in Settings and Actions Menu > Edit Pages > Activate a sandbox.
  2. On your Home page, go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > HCM Experience Design Studio.
  3. Click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
  4. Select the action Recruiting - Define Application Flow Required Fields.
  5. Click Add to create and configure a rule.
  6. In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select an application flow.
  7. In the Available Attributes section, select the Contact Information data source.
  8. Decide if you want the Email Address and Phone Number fields to be required.
  9. Click Save and Close.