Hire Date Filter on the Manage Job Offers Page

A profile option controls the behavior of the Hire Date filter on the Manager Job Offers page.

You can configure the profile option ORA_IRC_OFR_HRLIST_MANDATE_DATE_FILTERS using the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Two values are available:

  • N: This is the default value. The Hire Date filter on the Manager Job Offers page is displayed only when a job offer is in terminal state (Withdrawn by Candidate, Rejected, Processed). For example, if a user wants to see job offers in the Withdrawn by Candidate state they can't unless they apply the Hire Date filter.
  • Y: The Hire Date filter on the Manager Job Offers page is displayed at all times. Without applying the filter no results will be fetched for any state in the HR phase.

The Hire Date filter offers these values:

  • Next 30 days (dafult value)
  • Next 7 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • No Date Yet
  • Range (Specify): Maximum range is 90 days.