Revisit the Offer and Lifecycle After a Candidate is Merged with a Duplicate

Recruiters and HR specialists can decide to combine the candidate with any employee, ex-employee, contingent worker, or ex-contingent worker who was identified as a possible match.

Note that they can't automatically perform the merge with other person types who may be identified as a duplicate. If the application identifies a person of type contact, beneficiary, or others as a possible match, the HR specialist will need to manage this job application manually.

After the decision to merge, the candidate profile information gets merged with the selected person record, and the candidate's existing job applications get transferred to the selected person. This includes the job application for which the current job offer was created, approved, and accepted.

The candidate's job offer details must be recreated on the transferred job application, and all its details must be revisited to ensure that everything remains appropriate for the selected person. Any required changes must be made in the offer's values in case they were specifically appropriate only for external candidates or other eligibility criteria were defined. After the user reviews the offer, various choices are available to decide whether to bypass some or all of the remainder of the lifecycle:

  1. Upon submitting each recreated job offer, the user can decide whether to proceed directly back to the HR phase of the lifecycle, bypassing every intervening state and any custom phases.

  2. If they decide not to bypass the lifecycle for this person's new offer, offer approval rules can be configured to treat these recreated offers differently. The field MERGE_FLAG exists for use in the approval area, indicating that the offer is the result of this merge process after a duplicate record was identified. Approval rules can be configured to send these offers through an alternate set of approvers, or no approvers at all.

  3. Similarly, these recreated offers can be more quickly moved into the HR phase even if the individual users decide not to bypass the lifecycle. The field MERGE_FLAG exists for use in fast formulas, indicating that the offer is the result of this merge process after a duplicate record was identified. Within the candidate selection process, automatic progressions can be configured for these merged candidates who had already moved to HR before their duplication was discovered. For example, their recreated offers can be configured to be extended immediately after approval, and they can be moved directly into the HR phase as soon as they have accepted their revised offers.

Note: The requisition on which the candidate applied may have already been filled before anyone realizes that they're a duplicate of an existing person. In that case, when the recruiter tries to merge the two records, an error message will instruct them that the requisition must be reopened first. As soon as the newly-created offer gets moved into the HR phase again, this merged person will again fill the opening that the original candidate had taken.