Interview Schedule Settings

This table shows settings that you can use to configure interview schedules.

Settings for Hiring Team Managed Interview Schedule

Settings for Candidate Managed Interview Schedule

Candidates can cancel

  • Candidates can cancel their interviews on external and internal career sites. When candidates view a scheduled interview, they can use the Cancel Interview action.

Candidates can reschedule

  • Candidates can reschedule their interviews on external and internal career sites when the schedule permits it. When candidates view a scheduled interview, they can use the Reschedule Interview action.

Candidates can't make last-minute changes - Hours Before Interview

  • Select the number of hours before an interview when candidates can no longer make changes.

Candidates can cancel

  • Candidates can cancel their interviews on external and internal career sites. When candidates view a scheduled interview, they can use the Cancel Interview action.

Candidates can schedule on same day

  • Same day scheduling means candidates can schedule an interview on the same day they are viewing the interviews on the interview scheduling page. For example, if a candidate gets an interview invitation today, the candidate can see interviews available today.

Candidates can see future interviews - Interview Visibility

  • Select the number of weeks or months of the interview schedule to which candidates have access to when scheduling an interview.

Candidate limit on rescheduling - Reschedule Limit

  • Indicate the number of time the candidate can reschedule an interview.

Candidates can't make last-minute changes - Hours Before Interview

  • Select the number of hours before an interview when candidates can no longer make changes.