Versioning of Job Offer Letter Templates

For each job offer letter template, only the current version is used in active candidate job offers. When a candidate's offer is associated with an offer letter template, the candidate's letter is generated based on the currently-active version of that template.

If you need to change the content or formatting in the offer letters of future candidates whose offers use a given template, you need to inactivate the template in the Content Library and upload a new template to a new item in the Content Library to avoid impacting active offers.

For example, let's say a given candidate's offer letter is drafted in December using the Content Library item named Sales Offer Letter, which is currently version 1. Then in the Content Library you create a version 2 of the same Sales Offer Letter, which is intended to be used starting in January. When the original candidate's offer gets extended and candidates view their offer letter, the offer letter will be based upon the new January version 2, which is already the current version of this Content Library item.

If that's not the behavior you want, you can instead create a new Content Library item, upload a new template into it, and consider naming this new item Sales Offer Letter for the New Year. Then, you can inactivate the December version or the original item named Sales Offer Letter so that it's not selected for new offers being drafted. But existing offers that already use the original item will continue to use it. So the candidate whose offer was originally drafted in December will always see the original offer letter, unless their offer gets redrafted and a new offer letter is selected from the Content Library in the new year.