Publish an Oracle Learning Video

You can share your knowledge by publishing learning videos.

  1. On the Me > Learning page, click My Shared Learning.
  2. On the My Shared Learning page in the Videos Published section, click Add.
  3. On the Publish Video page, add the video file.

    • The supported source video formats are: .mp4, .m4a, .m4v, .f4v, .f4a, .m4b, .m4r, .f4b, and .mov.
    • Videos can't be larger than 1GB. Use third-party applications to compress larger video files.
  4. Enter a title and description. The description appears in the Details section of the Video Details page.
  5. Review the privacy setting and revise as appropriate.
  6. Optionally add related materials.
  7. Click Save and Close or Publish.
    Tip: You can change saved and published videos at any time but you can't version them.e
  8. After you publish the video, you get a notification that it's processing. After the processing finishes, you can verify that it appears on your My Shared Learning page.

    You can recommend a public video to anyone. You can recommend a secret video to any of the specified viewers. If you're a learning community manager or contributing member, you can add the video to the community catalog.