Profile Search

You can search for employee, job, position, and organization profiles based on certain criteria.

For example, a Human Resource (HR) Specialist in London that wants to fill an Applications Developer position internally, can search for profiles of all employees who are based in London and have experience with Java and PL/SQL.

You can use the keyword search to search for the person profiles that contain the following:

Core HR attributes:
  • Department
  • Work Location
  • Job Family
  • Job Function
  • Job Name
  • Organization Name
  • Person First Name
  • Person Full name
  • Person Last Name
  • Person List Name
  • Person Id
  • Person Number

Profile Management attributes:

  • Attachment Name
  • Profile Code
  • Profile Id
  • Rating Model Name
  • Rating Level Name
  • Rating Level Short Description
  • Talent Scores:
    • Impact of Loss (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Performance Rating (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Potential Level (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Proficiency (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Readiness Level
    • Reading ((Rating Level Short Description)
    • Risk of Loss (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Speaking (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Talent Score (Rating Level Short Description)
    • Writing (Rating Level Short Description)
  • Accomplishments
    • Accomplishment
    • Organization
  • Areas of Study
    • Area of Study
    • Grade
  • Career Preferences
    • Next Career Move
    • Preferred Job Function
    • Preferred Job Family
    • Preferred Region
  • Career Statement
    • Career Statement
  • Certifications
    • License/Certificate Name
  • Competencies
    • Competency
    • Proficiency Rating
    • Performance Rating
    • Evaluator Type
  • Education
    • Degree
    • Major*see below
    • School
  • Education Levels
    • School Education
  • Highest Education Level
    • Highest Education Level
  • Honors and Awards
    • Honor/Award
    • Organization
  • Languages
    • Language
    • Writing
    • Speaking
    • Reading
  • Memberships
    • Affiliation/Professional Body Name
  • N Box Rating
    • Box Sequence
  • Performance Rating
    • Performance Rating
  • Potential Rating
    • Potential Rating
  • Projects
    • Project Name
    • Project Role
  • Readiness Rating
    • Job Profile
    • Readiness Level
  • Risk Rating
    • Risk of Loss
    • Impact of Loss
  • Skills
    • Skill
  • Talent Score
    • Talent Score
  • Technical Post Details
    • Content Item ID
    • Technical Level
  • Work History
    • Job Title
    • Employer Name
  • Work Preferences
    • Frequency
    • Travel Domestically
    • Travel Internationally
    • Willing to Relocate

This is based on the seeded column attributes within the content section. If you modify or use additional attribute columns, the keyword search will not be updated. For example, in Certifications the Profile keyword search looks for the seeded Certification Name that is mapped to the attribute column ITEM_TEXT240_3. If you use another attribute column to capture the Certificate Name (i.e. ITEM_TEXT240_2), and you search for Certificate Name PMP, the Profile keyword search will not return any values. The Certificate Name must be stored in ITEM_TEXT240_3 for the keyword search to return the PMP value.

Another example is that the Profile keyword search only finds Majors that are set up as text field types. If you have Major set up as an LOV in the Education template, the keyword search cannot find it. The application always captures the data that is stored in the Degree Profile Item Major (ITEM_TEXT240_1) attribute. The value in this field is the one that can be searched on.