Set-up for Profile Keyword Search

After profiles are created or modified, the Update Profile Search Keywords process should be run to sync-up the Profile Keyword index with the new profile data.

This will ensure that the new or modified profile record will show up in the Profile Search.

Run the processes in this order:

  1. Update Profile Search keywords: This process will update the Profile Search Keywords information with profile data. The process can be run in two modes:
    • Full Mode - deletes all data from the profile keywords table and creates new data from the profile tables.
    • Incremental mode - creates profile data that does not exist in profile keywords. This mode will only create the new profile data that does not exist in Profile Keywords, for example, new hire profile information. It does not update the Profile Keyword information for existing profiles or users. This means that when users modify their profile information (update/delete/insert data into profile items), the profile search keywords will not be updated with the new info.
  2. Synchronize Profile Search Keywords Index: Keywords are indexed values that's copied from profile records and organized in the keywords table for faster retrieval. The Profile Search Keywords table and the Index table need to be synced-up for the profile search to return the available data that's in the Profile Search Keywords table.
  3. Optimize Profile Search Keywords Index: The synchronization of Profile Search Keywords to the Index table creates indexes for all data. Duplicate indexes could exist for the same keywords. This process cleans up the duplicate indexes that point to the same keywords data.

Profiles are searched using keywords. If you have created or updated a talent profile, then make sure to run the processes related to profile search index as mentioned above. If profile search does not display the results even after running the related processes mentioned above, verify the following information:

  1. Verify the security profile to ensure that searching employees satisfy the security rule.
  2. Ensure that you can search for this person from Person Management > Search.
  3. Ensure that the person you are searching for has a profile by navigating to Skills and Qualifications page through Person Management.
    Note: If the Auto-Create Person Profile check box is checked in My client Groups > Profiles > Profile Types > Person, then the person profile is created automatically when the user is opening the Skills and Qualification page for the first time. Otherwise, the profile must be created using HDL.