Examples of Moving Performance Tasks

You can move tasks in the process flow of performance documents forward and back to keep an evaluation on track, or redo past actions.

These scenarios illustrate typical reasons for moving tasks forward or back and the effects on the performance documents that they're a part of.

Move a Task Forward When a Manager is on Leave

The process flow for the FY 2020 review period's Support Center Annual Evaluation performance document includes these tasks:

  1. Worker Self-Evaluation

  2. Manager Evaluation of Workers

  3. Worker Final Feedback

A line manager for the Support Center department, Daniel Wong, has provided overall ratings in the Manager Evaluation of Workers task for his direct reports. But he hasn't added comments for the individual goals and competencies yet. Daniel goes on long-term leave. The organization owner asks you to move the Manager Evaluation of Workers task forward so the employees can view their overall ratings. On the Performance Documents page, you select these filters:

  • Review Period: FY 2020

  • Performance Document: Support Center Annual Evaluation

  • Manager: Daniel Wong

You select all the employee names and then the Move Task Forward action. Here's what happens after you move the process flow forward:

  • All of Daniel's direct reports can now access the document to see the overall rating.

  • Daniel's direct reports can perform the Worker Final Feedback task.

  • The Manager Evaluation of Workers task is marked as Bypassed on the employee's Performance page.

Move a Task Back to Reassess Goals

The process flow for the San Francisco Sales Organization performance document for the FY 2020 review period includes these tasks:

  1. Set Goals

  2. Worker Self-Evaluation

  3. Manager Evaluation of Workers

  4. Share Performance Document

  5. Confirm Review Meeting Held

You're in the middle of the performance cycle. Some employees are still setting their goals; others are performing their self-evaluations. An organization owner wants all employees and their managers in his organization to reassess employee goals for the evaluation because of new sales targets. On the Performance Documents page, you select these filters for every manager in your organization:

  • Review Period: FY 2020

  • Performance Document: San Francisco Sales Organization

  • Current Task: Worker Self-Evaluation

You select all the employee names and then the Move Task Back action. Here's what happens when you move the process flow back a task:

  • The Set Goals task becomes the current active task.

  • The status of the Worker Self-Evaluation task is reset to Not Started.