How You Change the Feedback Due Date

Workers, managers, and HR specialists can change the feedback due date. How you change the feedback due date depends on which role you have. Note that the due date for participant feedback isn't enforced.

HR specialists change the participant feedback due date using the Change Due Date task. To reach the Change Due Date task, go to My Client Groups > Participant Feedback. Use the action Change Due Date when results are displayed. You can optionally select a reason for changing the due date.

Workers and managers can change the due date by resending the participant feedback request rather than just sending it. They can resend the request if all of these are true:

  • Participant feedback task is still open

  • Feedback request isn't locked

  • Feedback request isn't completed

  • Process flow used in the performance template is configured so the worker can request feedback; managers can always send the request

  1. Navigate to the Performance page.

    1. If you're a worker, click Me > Career and Performance > Performance.

    2. If you're a manager, click My Team > Career and Performance > Evaluate Performance.

  2. Select the review period.

  3. Find the performance document for which you want to change the feedback date, for example, an employee's Annual 360 Development Evaluation.

  4. Click the link on the participant feedback status (for example, 0 of 1 participants responded) or from the Actions menu (shown by three dots), and select Manage Participant Feedback.

  5. Click the check box by the participant who will receive a new date.

  6. Click Actions and select Resend Request.

  7. In the Due field, click the calendar icon and select the new date.

  8. (Optional) Enter a message to the participant.

  9. Click Submit.

Search Criteria and Results

Change the feedback due date for performance documents you manage that meet these conditions:

  • The performance document includes the Manage Participant Feedback task in the process flow.

  • The manager or worker added participants to the performance document.

  • Participants haven't submitted their feedback.

  • Participants aren't locked out from providing feedback.

HR specialists can search for performance documents and workers they have security access to, but not for themselves or their own performance documents.

Impact of Changing the Feedback Due Date

Participants can still provide feedback after the due date if the Manage Participant Feedback task isn't completed.