Calculate Computed Fields

You can manually calculate computed fields by using the Calculate Computed Fields action available on the job applications list and within job applications.

Computed fields can be configured to appear in job application grid views. Using computed fields, your organization can help to surface important info, like whether or not the candidate is a veteran or diversity candidate, without displaying their sensitive data directly in the UI.

Your administrator may have configured the candidate selection process so that the calculation of computed fields in job application grid views is done automatically when candidates reach the phase and state of the selection process. If that's not the case, you can use the Calculate Computed Fields action for one or several job applications.

Before you start

  • You need the privilege Manage Candidate Lists (IRC_MANAGE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS) to see the Calculate Computed Fields action.
  • You need the privilege Personalize Candidates Lists (IRC_PERSONALIZE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS) or the privilege Manage Candidate Lists (IRC_MANAGE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS) to configure computed fields to appear in job application grid views.

Here's what to do

  1. Go to a requisition's job applications list.
  2. Select a job application, then select the action Calculate Computed Fields.
    You can select up to 10 job applications for the action to be performed in real time. If you select more than 10 job applications, the action will be processed in the background and you'll be notified when the action is completed.


If a grid view isn't configured to display computed fields, you can view the values on the Extra Info tab of the job application.