Grant Review Access to Other Managers

As Talent Review reviewers, you can grant access to other managers below you in your organizational hierarchy to submit data about their own direct reports.

You can also grant access to matrix managers of employees who report to you. To do this, these conditions need to be met:

  • Your administrator or the meeting facilitator needs to enable the inclusion of matrix managers as reviewers. They can do this in the template used for the meeting or on the meeting configuration page.
  • At least one person reporting to the matrix manager needs to be part of the review population.

To grant review access, do these steps:

  1. Select My Team > Talent Review.
  2. Select the meeting row for which you want other managers to provide ratings.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Grant Access.
  4. Search and select the managers who you want to grant access to.
  5. Save and close the Grant Access page.


When you grant access to other managers, they receive a notification to update the content with a link to the meeting's Prepare Review Content page.