Talent Review Prior Ratings

As a facilitator, while conducting a Talent Review meeting, you can compare the current ratings of the review population with their recent ratings from previously completed meetings.

In the redesigned meeting dashboard, click View Prior Rating to do this. You can view the prior ratings only if both these conditions are met:

  • A rating exists within the specified date range from a previously completed talent review meeting.

  • The rating model is the same for the rating type used in the current and prior meetings. For example, the rating model for performance must be the same for both the current and prior meetings.

Set Up Prior Rating

An administrator needs to do these tasks to enable the prior ratings feature in a Talent Review meeting:

  1. While creating the meeting template, set up the ratings and rating models that appear in a talent review meeting. Use the Configure Talent Review Dashboard Options task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to do this.

  2. While creating a meeting, specify the prior rating date range. Only meetings that were completed within this date range are considered for prior ratings.

Compare Ratings

You might want to assess the progress of workers in the review population or see the variations in their ratings. In the redesigned meeting dashboard, click View Prior Rating.

  • You can see the most recent prior rating of the review population from previously completed meetings that are within the prior rating date range. For example, if a worker has a performance rating of 3 from a meeting in January 2021 and a rating of 4 from a meeting in July 2021, the worker's prior performance rating is 4.

  • The prior position of the workers in the box chart is indicated by color codes in their current box location. For example, Lily Cox's current box position might be Expert Talent. But her most recent prior ratings might indicate that her previous box position was Solid Talent.

  • In the Prior Ratings legend, you can see these counts:

    • The number of workers with no ratings in the previous meetings

    • The number of workers whose rating hasn't changed from the previous meetings

    • The number of workers who occupied a different box in the box chart of the previous meetings with their previous box label and color code.

Note: You can't perform these actions while you view the prior ratings:
  • Update the ratings or move workers from their current box position.

  • Apply Display options.