Add Language-Related Conditions in the Job Offer Letter Template

The language condition is based on a standard token supported by BI Publisher named XDOLOCALE to which you add a language.

Before you start

The BI Publisher plugin must be installed in Microsoft Word and the sample file (.xml) must be loaded.

Here's what to do

  1. Open the offer letter template (.rtf file).
  2. Highlight the region that contains the translation of the letter that you want to display to candidates using a given language.
  3. On the BI Publisher tab, click Conditional Region.
    This brings up a BI Publisher window.
  4. On the Properties tab, don't select any tokens from the offer-related list.
  5. On the Advanced tab, in the Code field, insert the language condition with the language code to display the paragraphs in the selected language. Here are examples:
    • The tag for English is "en". You need to enter <?if:$_XDOLOCALE='en'?>
    • The tags for regional variations use the hyphen (not an underscore) such as Canadian French fr-CA, Brazilian Portuguese pt-BR, and simplified or traditional Chinese using zh-CN and zh-TW.
  6. On the Advanced tab, in the Text to Display field, you can provide information to other users about the condition.
    By default, the letter C is displayed to indicate the start of a condition. You can replace this with a more legible label to explain the specific condition. For example, you can replace the C with the words "Conditional for English". This label has no effect on the functionality of the condition and the candidate won't see it when viewing the offer.
  7. Click OK.
  8. At the end of the selected paragraphs, a new tag called "EC" will appear automatically. Click it to bring up a BI Publisher window.
    • In the Code field, the <?endif?> tag will appear indicating that the conditional region is finished and the following sections of the offer will be shown to all viewers. Don't make any changes to this value.
    • In the Text to Display field, you can provide information to other users about which condition is ending here. For example, you can replace the default letters EC with a more legible label such as "End of Condition for English". This label has no effect on the functionality of the condition and the candidate won't see it when viewing the offer.
  9. Click OK.

What to do next

If you want a fallback language for candidates who applied in a language not listed in each conditional region's tags above, you can highlight the region that contains this final translation of the letter.

  1. On the BI Publisher tab, click Conditional Region. This brings up a BI Publisher window.

  2. On the Properties tab, don't select any tokens from the offer-related list.

  3. On the Advanced tab, in the Code field, insert the language condition with the language code but use the exclamation point symbol to exclude all of the languages listed in other conditional regions above.

    • For example: <?if:$_XDOLOCALE!='en' and $_XDOLOCALE!='es'?>

  4. On the Advanced tab, in the Text to Display field, you can provide information to other users about the condition. You can replace the default letter C with a more legible label, for example, "Conditional for Languages Other Than English and Spanish".

  5. Click OK.

  6. At the end of the selected region, a new tag called "EC" will appear automatically. Click it to bring up a BI Publisher window.

    • In the Code field, the <?endif?> tag will appear indicating that the conditional region is finished and the following sections of the offer will be shown to all viewers. Don't make any changes to this value.

    • In the Text to Display field, you can provide information to other users about which condition is ending here. For example, you can replace the default letters EC with a more legible label such as "End of Condition for Languages Other Than English and Spanish". This label has no effect on the functionality of the condition and the candidate won't see it when viewing the offer.

  7. Click OK.