Methods to Adjust the Content of an Offer Letter

Every candidate will see a personalized offer letter, as long as their offer letter template was originally configured with tokens such as their name, the offer start date, and the new work location.

If you need to add a longer personalized segment of content within the offer letter template, the tokens Additional Text 1 and Additional Text 2 are available to be inserted within the offer letter template. In some cases, however, it's necessary to make even bigger changes: to remove some information from the template, for instance, or to change part of the letter's basic structure for an individual candidate. To meet this business need, users with the privilege Update Candidate Job Offer Letter (IRC_UPDATE_CANDIDATE_JOB_OFFER_LETTER) can edit the entire offer letter before extending it to a candidate.

There are two methods to adjust the content of offer letters for each specific candidate.

  • Offer letter with all tokens (original method): If you didn't enable the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Token, then you're using the original method. The offer letter shows all of the tokens that will represent the various field values for that candidate, and all the conditional sections that may or may not end up being relevant to this candidate's situation. The recruiter make changes starting from the letter with all its tokens. These tokens will be replaced with the current values in the offer fields about this candidate, whenever a user or approver or the candidate views the offer letter after it's drafted. Some sections of the letter won't be shown to viewers because they're conditional, that is, they're dependent on specific values that might not end up being relevant to the given candidate. Also, because there isn't anything yet entered into the Acceptance and E-signature fields, that e-signature conditional section at the bottom of the template is full of tokens that will be resolved later. They will be resolved if and when this offer gets accepted by the candidate.

  • Offer letter with resolved tokens: You need to enable the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Tokens. With this method, all the tokens get replaced with values entered while creating or editing the offer. The recruiter won't see any conditional sections, because everything that isn't relevant to this candidate as of right now has been removed. Only the content that's currently appropriate for the candidate remains in the letter. This also means there's no e-signature section because this draft offer is currently not accepted. The default e-signature section will be added back to the bottom of the letter later, when the candidate accepts the offer. The recruiter can make any changes to the candidate's offer letter from that starting point, and they can remove anything not relevant. It's easier to understand what the candidate will see and make the necessary additions or subtractions.

Option to Download Offer Letter with Resolved Tokens

Here's how you can enable the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Tokens.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information

  2. In the Offer Letter section, select the option Download Offer Letter with Resolved Tokens.