Provide or Revise Participant Feedback

You can provide or revise participant feedback that you've given.

Before you start

As a participant, when you receive a request to provide participant feedback, it appears as a notification on the global header. HR specialists or managers may also request you to revise the feedback you gave. These requests also appear as notifications. To view these requests, you can also navigate to your Performance page, select a review period, and view the request under the Participant Feedback for Others region.

You provide or revise the feedback for one or more sections in a performance document, depending on how it's configured.

Here's an example of how you do it:

Here's what to do

  1. Click the Notifications link.
  2. Click the Provide Participant Feedback link in the message.
  3. Click Edit in the <Employee> Overall Summary section to provide your overall rating and comments.
  4. Click Evaluate in the Development Goals section.
  5. Provide your rating and enter your comments for each goal. Scroll down to the page to provide your overall rating and comments for all development goals, and click Save and Close.
  6. Click Evaluate in the Competencies section. Provide your rating for the employee's proficiency level and performance, and enter your comments for each competency. Scroll down to the page to provide your overall rating and comments for all competencies, and click Save and Close.
  7. Click Evaluate against the Questionnaire section and provide your responses to the performance-related questions included in the performance document.
  8. Click Submit to complete the participant feedback process.

What to do next

Note: When you're done, you can submit it immediately, or save and submit it later.