Requested Feedback

While you request Participant Feedback for a specific performance document at the end of the year, you can request additional feedback for yourself or for your employees at any time of the year using the Requested Feedback feature.

You can request feedback on your performance based on specific questions included in a questionnaire rather than on individual goals and competencies available in a performance document.

When requesting for feedback using this feature, you can choose any questionnaire to elicit responses from feedback providers. This questionnaire can be different from the one used in the performance document. At the time of requesting feedback, you can also add additional questions, if the questionnaire you choose enables adding additional questions.

You can configure Requested Feedback to appear in your performance document, in addition to Participant Feedback. For more information, see Related Topics on how to use the Performance Templates administration task for this purpose.

Note: If you can't create a feedback request, contact your administrator and verify your privileges. Additionally, ensure that you’ve configured at least one active feedback template.