Create a Feedback Request

You create a feedback request from the Feedback spotlight page. You can access this page in different ways depending on your role and need.

Note: You need to configure at least one active feedback template before you can create a feedback request.

To request feedback for yourself, use one of these options:

  • Go to Me > Quick Actions > Show More > Career and Performance > Request Feedback, and click Add.

  • Go to Me > Career and Performance > Feedback tile, and click Add from the Feedback Requests About Me section.

If you're a manager requesting feedback for your team members, use one of these options:

  • Go to My Team > My Team or Performance Overview or Career Overview tile and select an employee. On the left navigation pane, click Show More > Feedback, and then click Add from the Feedback Requests About <Employee> section.

  • Go to My Team > Quick Actions > Show More > Career and Performance > Request Feedback and select an employee.

If you're an HR specialist requesting feedback for anyone in the organization, use one of these options:

  • Search for an employee from the global header and view the employee's spotlight page. Click Show More on the left navigation pane and click Feedback. Then, click Add from the Feedback Requests About [Employee] section.

  • Go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Show More > Talent > Request Feedback and select an employee.

Next, create a feedback request and send it to the feedback providers:

  1. In the Who do you want to ask section, type the feedback provider's name and then select the name from the list that appears. You can add more feedback providers from this list.

  2. To request feedback from the feedback recipient's peers or direct reports, click Select Peers or Select Direct Reports.

    Note: The Select Direct Reports button is available only if the feedback recipient is a manager with direct reports.
  3. Select some or all names from the list that appears.

    Note: If you select the same feedback provider by searching for them, selecting them from peers, and selecting them from direct reports, only one feedback request is created for that person and not three.
  4. You can share the feedback response depending on your role:

    • If you're a manager requesting feedback about a worker, select the Share feedback with <person_name> check box to share the feedback with them.

    • If you're requesting feedback for yourself, select the Share feedback with <person_name> check box to share the feedback with your manager.

    • If you're requesting feedback for yourself, select the Share feedback with me check box to view the feedback on your Feedback spotlight page.

    Note: These check boxes are selected by default. If you don't want to share the feedback, clear the check box. When the feedback is shared, notifications are sent to the feedback providers and recipients.
  5. Click Continue.

  6. In the What do you want to ask section, select a questionnaire from the list. You can preview the questions included in the questionnaire.

  7. You can also add one or more specific questions in the Additional Questions section, if your questionnaire is configured to allow additional questions.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. In the When do you need it section, specify the date by when you want the feedback.

  10. You can include a message along with the feedback request.

  11. Click Submit.

    Tip: You can go to the earlier sections and modify the details, if required, before submitting the feedback request.

The application sends notifications to all persons associated with the feedback (feedback providers, feedback recipients, and manager), if notifications are enabled and the feedback is chosen to be shared. When feedback providers respond to the questionnaire and submit the feedback, the status of the feedback request changes to Completed. You can view the feedback only after the feedback provider submits it.

The Select Peers and Select Direct Reports buttons are hidden by default. Your administrator can make them visible using Transaction Design Studio. They're available under the Feedback action and the Who do you want to ask region in the Page Attributes section. The Share feedback with me check box is visible by default. Your administrator can choose to hide it using the same Page Attributes section in Transaction Design Studio.

The HR specialist can request the feedback provider to revise the feedback, if required. It's possible to request for a revision only when the feedback status is Completed.