Substitute Performance Document Evaluators in All-in-One Evaluations

Substitute performance document evaluators can complete multiple manager evaluations on behalf of managers using All-in-One Evaluations.

Select the manager that you want to evaluate on behalf of from the Evaluate as menu to view performance documents for the employees you have access to.
  • You need the role Mass Evaluate Performance Documents by Manager (ORA_HRA_MASS_EVALUATE_PERFORMANCE_DOCUMENTS_BY_MANAGER) to access All-in-One Evaluations.
  • You need the role Evaluate Performance Document as Manager (ORA_HRA_EVALUATE_PERFORMANCE_DOCUMENT_AS_MANAGER) to act as a substitute performance document evaluator.

You should note that although substitute performance document evaluators such as an administrator or HR specialist can enter evaluation ratings and comments on behalf of the manager, it is still the manager’s name that displays in the performance document.

If you have audit enabled, you can see details of the user who entered the ratings and comments on behalf of the manager. If you want a different manager to be recorded as performing the evaluation, you can transfer the document to a new manager.