Configure an Easy Apply Flow

Candidates can apply to certain jobs directly in the Recruiting Assistant when an easy-apply job application flow is configured.

Candidates can experience the easy-apply feature only on those job openings that have this job application flow configured. When they apply for the job, the extent of information they need to provide depends on this configuration.

As an administrator, you configure an easy-apply flow from the Setup and Maintenance work area:
  • Setup: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Experience
  • Task: Job Application Flow Configuration
The easy-apply flow must include a minimum of one block or a maximum of five blocks from this list:
Section Block Appears in Conversation
Personal Information

Contact Information

Profile Import



Job Application Questions Job Application Questions Yes
More About You Supporting Documents Yes
Summary Review No

Of these blocks, the Contact Information and Review blocks are required. If you add more blocks, candidates will be redirected to the career site for applying.

During the chat bot conversation, only the Contact Information, Job Application Questions, and Supporting Documents blocks are displayed, if they're included in the easy-apply flow.

After the easy-apply flow is configured, the recruiter then needs to add it to the job requisition. They do this from the Detail > Configuration section of the job requisition.

As an administrator, you can also add the easy-apply flow to the job requisition template from the Setup and Maintenance work area:
  • Setup: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Job Requisitions
  • Task: Manage Job Requisition Templates