Set Up Recruiting Assistant

You set up Recruiting Assistant to help internal and external candidates find the right jobs, answer their questions, view recommended jobs, apply for jobs and check their job application status.

Before you start

To use these capabilities in Recruiting Assistant, you must configure the FADigital Assistant and the Candidate Experience V2 Digital Assistant and also download the corresponding skills available in them.

To set up and configure the FADigital Assistant, refer to the Configure the Digital Assistant chapter of the Using Oracle Digital Assistant to Interact with HCM guide and complete all of the configuration steps listed there.

To set up and configure the Candidate Experience V2 skill, refer to the Configure the Candidate Experience Skill section and complete all of the configuration steps listed there.

In addition, perform these steps to set up the Recruiting Assistant for Recruiting Booster:

Here's what to do

  1. Configure an Easy Apply Flow
  2. Enable the Easy Apply Flow