Event Success Metrics

You can analyze hiring event success using metrics that detail the total number of registrants, attendees, and candidates who have been matched to requisitions, applied for open positions, or were hired as a result of attending the event.

Metrics display on the Overview tab throughout the event lifecycle, and you can use them to evaluate the success of the event. Depending on what phase the event is in, you may see:
  • Invited - the number of candidates invited to the event. This metric only displays for private events.
  • Registered - the number of candidates who registered for the event.
  • Attended - the number of candidates who attended the event. This number consists of those who checked in using the check-in URL.
  • Shortlisted - the total number of candidates for whom the Shortlisted setting is set to Yes. This metric displays for events that have interviews enabled, and shows data as soon as interviewers begin shortlisting candidates. The number may continue to change until an event ends.
  • Matched to Requisitions - the number of candidates who were matched (added) to requisitions from an event. A candidate can be matched to multiple requisitions, but they will only be counted once for this metric.
  • Applied Within - the number of candidates who applied within 30 days of the event start date. This metric is set to 30 days by default, but is configurable.
  • Hired Within - the number of candidates who were hired within 90 days of the start of the event. This metric is set to 90 days by default, but is configurable.
    Note: Both Applied Within and Hired Within metrics are tallied based on the event start date, and includes both the timeframe of the event plus the number of days indicated for your measurement. For example, if the event lasts 2 days and you're measuring successful hires within 30 days, the actual length counted for the Hired Within metric is 32 days.

Candidates must be audience members to be counted in the Hired Within or Applied Within metrics. They can be in any state (Invited to Attend, Registered, Attended) as long as they're attached to the event.

Adding an event audience member as a prospect isn't counted toward the Applied Within metric. The audience member must have an application or you can create a manual application for the candidate to have them count toward the Applied Within metric.

The Applied Within metric is a count of the number of people who have applied for requisitions and not the number of applications placed for requisitions from that particular event. This means even if an audience member applies for more than one requisition, the candidate is only counted once in the Applied Within metric.

Candidates who apply outside of the metrics assessment window don't count toward the metric. For example, if a candidate applies 33 days after an event ends, and you're measuring application success based on 30 days, the candidate won't be added to the Applied Within metric. However, if they're hired within the Hired Within metric window, they will be counted there.

Once a candidate has moved to the HR phase on a requisition, they're considered hired.

If a candidate later declines an offer, the metrics are decremented only if they decline during the assessment period

If you change the default number of days for either of these metrics, it only affects new events going forward. Previous and current events aren't re-calibrated using the new number of days. They continue to use the old durations for calibrating their metrics.