Archive Candidate Search

You use candidate search archiving to track candidate searches ran by recruiters. Search result archiving supports requirements from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).

When you enable candidate search archiving, you can track and record the following information:
  • User who ran the candidate search
  • Criteria used for the search
  • Date and time when the candidate search was run
  • Candidates returned in search results
  • Action taken on candidates by the user from search results

Candidate search queries are saved for a period of two years. A search query can contain a maximum of 500 candidates. Search queries returning no candidate are also archived.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
    • Task: Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information
  2. Expand the Search section and click Edit.
  3. Select the option Candidate Search Archiving.
  4. Click Save.


Data is available in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reporting solution in the Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time subject area, Candidate Search dimension.

What to do next

You need to run the Convert Candidate Search Logs for Reporting Purposes scheduled process.