Set Up Candidate Data Disposal

You can manage the disposal of candidate data to meet data protection requirements of individuals and organizations.

Candidate data is collected through various ways. It can be provided by candidate themselves or collected by recruiters or agencies. Candidate data can include personally identifiable information (PII).

To initiate candidate data disposal, you use the Remove Person Information tool in the Data Exchange work area. Two options are available:

  • Configure Person Information Removal Policies: You can configure the business objects and their components that you want to remove and mask required attributes.

  • Remove Person Information: You can remove person information for specified people from this page. When you submit the person information removal process, the data is removed according to the configuration defined in the associated person information removal policy.

To access the Remove Person Information tool, you need these privileges:

  • Configure Person Information Removal Policies (HRC_CONFIGURE_PERSON_INFO_REMOVAL_POLICIES_PRIV)

  • Remove Person Information (ORA_HRC_REMOVE_PERSON_INFORMATION)

Note: Before you initiate the Remove Person Information process to obfuscate data, the corresponding candidate must be deleted in Oracle Recruiting. This delete is a soft delete that can be done from within recruiting or with HCM Data Loader. Here's an example: Examples of Loading Candidates

Configure Person Removal Policy

  1. In My Client Groups, click the Data Exchange work area.

  2. In the Remove Person Information section, click Configure Person Information Removal Policies.

  3. Click Create to create a template. Complete these fields:

    • NAME: The name of the template.

    • CODE: The template code, defaults to the name of the template.

    • CATEGORY: The Business Object the template is created for. Select Candidate.

    • DESCRIPTION: You can enter a description.

  4. Click OK.

  5. On the Components page, in the Business Objects, select the Candidate option.

  6. Click Save.

  7. On the Components page, in the Components, select all the components.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click the Rules tab to configure policies. Most objects are configured for deletion, so no specific rules are needed for those objects. You can configure rules for objects if they contain attributes that can only be obfuscated and cannot be deleted. Candidate details are masked in several areas such as emails, phone numbers, candidate job applications, attachments, interactions. Here is how values are masked:

    • NUMBER columns = 0000

    • VACHAR columns = OBF_ZZZ

    • CHAR columns = 0

    • DATE columns = 1900-01-01

    • TIMESTAMP columns = 1900-01-01 00:00:00

  10. Click Enable Template.

It's recommended to define Person Information Removal policy in line with your business requirement. Define policies specific to candidate types, for example two different policies to obfuscate external candidate data and ex-employees or ex-contingent workers. In ex-employee and ex-contingent workers policy, exclude the deletion and obfuscation of Candidate Name, Candidate Address, Candidate Phone, Candidate Email, Candidate Extra Information, Candidate National Identifier, and any other information as per your business requirement. Delete or obfuscate ex-employee or ex-contingent workers data in the Worker category.

Submit the Remove Person Information Process

  1. In My Client Groups, click the Data Exchange work area.

  2. In the Remove Person Information section, click Remove Person Information.

  3. Locate the rule that you created.

  4. Click Submit Process.

  5. On the Submit Process page, enter the process name, select the template you just created, enter candidate numbers, and select the Remove process mode.

  6. Click Submit.

The process appears on the Remove Personal Information page. Here's what you will see on the page after you submit the process:

  • STATUS: Success or Error.

  • PROCESS MODE: Remove mode or Report mode.

  • SUBMITTED BY: The user who submitted the process.

  • SUBMISSION DATE: The date the process was submitted.