Automatically Extend Job Offers to Candidates

You can use the Extend Offer action in a candidate selection process to automatically extend job offers to candidates once the offers have been approved. Offers are extended automatically to candidates when their job applications reach the Offer - Approved status. You can add multiple Extend Offer actions to a candidate selection process so that you can extend offers using different conditions and configurations.

Note: If you enable the Bypass Extending Offer option, the Extend Offer action isn't available.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications

    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration

  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, click a process.

  3. On the process page, click the Offer phase.

  4. In the States for Phase section, select the Approved state.

  5. Select the Extend Offer action in the Actions menu, and select Add.

  6. Define the delay in number of hours before extending the offer automatically. If you enter 0, the action is performed immediately when each candidate reaches the status Offer - Approved. When an offer is set to be extended with a delay, a banner message is displayed to users on the offer, showing the date and time when the offer will be automatically extended. When that time arrives, the offer gets extended unless a user changed it. For example, if the recruiter rejects the candidate or redrafts the offer in the meantime, the offer won't be extended automatically and the banner will no longer be shown. If the redrafted offer is approved again, a new automatic extend will be scheduled.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. As for other actions, you can define conditions that must be met for the Extend Offer action to be performed.

  9. Enter a unique name for the action.

  10. Click Save and Close.

When the Extend Offer action is triggered, a scheduled process is run and the action is performed based on the configured delay.

Limit the Automatic Extend of Offers

Offers are extended automatically even when enough hires have been made on the requisition to match the number of openings. If you want to prevent automatically extending an offer based on the number of hires on the requisition, you could use a fast formula with a condition. By default, the automated progression to extend job offers will not check how many candidates have been hired for the requisition. However, the requisition's count will be checked when these offers are initially submitted for approval, which greatly reduces the likelihood of extending offers to too many candidates. To configure a fast formula to limit the automatic extend of offers, consider these available methods:

  • Define a condition using database items (DBI): If the requisition's number of openings (IRC_CSP_REQ_NUMBER_TO_HIRE) is more than its current hires (IRC_CSP_REQUISITION_NUMBER_OF_HIRES).

  • Define a condition using a function: If the number of job applications that went through the state Accepted is less than the requisition's number of openings.

You can configure the candidate selection process to automatically extend all newly-copied offers to candidates once the offers have been approved. You need to create a fast formula of the Recruiting Candidate Selection Process formula type and use the database item IRC_CSP_JOBOFFER_BATCH_COPIED_FLAG which is used to indicate if the job offer was created using a batch process. When you configure the candidate selection process, you select that fast formula while defining conditions for the process.