Create a Request Information Flow

You can configure a Request Information flow so that recruiters can capture additional information from external candidates once they applied to a job.

Here's what to do

  1. Initiate the Creation and Enter Basic Info

  2. Create Versions of the Flow

  3. Add the Request Information Flow to a Candidate Selection Process

  4. Create a Notification to Request More Information

Initiate the Creation and Enter Basic Info

When you initiate the creation of the flow, you enter basic information such as the name, code, flow type, and description of the flow.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Candidate Experience

    • Task: Job Application Flow Configuration

  2. On the Job Application Flows page, click Create.

  3. Enter a name, code, and description.

  4. In the Application Flow Type field, select Request Information.

  5. Click Save and Continue.

Create Versions of the Flow

As soon as you save the basic information, the Versions section becomes available on the application flow page. This is where you create versions of the flow. Each flow must have one active version.

  1. In the Versions section, click Create.

  2. Enter the version name.

  3. Enter the version start date. You can also select the Start on Activation option to activate the version as soon as it is ready and activated.

  4. Select options for the flow.

    • E-Signature: You can ask candidates to sign their job applications with an e-signature. The e-signature appears at the end of the job application flow. You configure the job application e-signature statement in the Recruiting Content Library.

    • Campaign Opt In: You can ask external candidates if they agree to receive recruitment marketing communications. Candidates don't have to agree to proceed with their job application. The opt-in check box appears with this short sentence "I agree to receiving future recruitment marketing communications." If an active version of the campaign opt-in statement is available in the content library, the sentence is displayed as a link that the candidate can click to read the full statement. You configure the campaign opt-in statement in the Recruiting Content Library.

    • One Page Application Flow: An application flow can be presented on one page or on multiple pages. Use this option if you want to display the flow on a single page so that candidates quickly fill in the minimum information.

    • Job Alert Opt In: You can ask candidates to set up job alerts to receive updates about new job opportunities matching their preferred job category and location.

  5. Add the blocks for which you want to obtain additional info from the candidate. Drag and drop the blocks in the desired sections

  6. You can edit the headline of a block. The headline is the block name displayed to candidates. You can add instructions in a block to provide specific information to candidates. Click the edit icon to change the block headline and instructions.

  7. Click Save and Activate.

Add the Request Information Flow to a Candidate Selection Process

You need to add the Request Information flow to specific phases and states within a candidate selection process. When a job application is moved to a specific state within a phase, a notification is automatically sent to candidates and a link to provide information is added in the candidate self service page.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications

    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration

  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.

  3. Add the Request Information action when entering a phase, leaving a phase, or for any state within a phase.

  4. On the Action: Request Information page, select the flow to request additional information from candidates.

  5. Select the notification for external candidates. When a job application is moved to a specific state within a phase, a notification is automatically sent to candidates.

Create a Notification to Request More Information

You use the Automated Job Application Request Info Notification to ask external candidates to provide more information. When candidates receive the notification and click the link in the notification, they're redirected to the Request Information Flow. At the same time that the notification is sent, the link to access the flow becomes available in the candidate self service page where candidates can see a request to provide additional information for a job application. Information provided by candidates is added to their candidate file.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting Content Library

  2. On the Recruiting Content Library page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Content Item page, enter a name and a code.

  4. In the Category field, select the content type Automated Job Application Request Info Notification.

  5. Enter a subject for the message.

  6. Enter the message text.

    • Use rich text features to format the text.

    • Include tokens to personalize the message so that it's specific to the candidate in the context of the job application.

    • Use this token if you want to add the request information flow link: RequestInformationFlowURL.

    • Insert images and logos to align with your organization's corporate branding.

    Note: The maximum size of a notification is 15MB. If you exceed this limit, the notification might not be sent. To respect this limit, you can optimize images or logos in the notification.
  7. Click the Translation Editor icon to translate the message subject and message text.