Edit Actions in an Active Candidate Selection Process

You can edit actions in active candidate selection processes. When you edit the actions of an active or inactive candidate selection process, a warning message appears to inform you that these changes might impact existing job requisitions and job applications.

Here's what you can do:

  • Add events to a phase.

  • Add actions on events and states.

  • Edit actions on events and states.

  • Deactivate actions on events and states. The configuration of the action is preserved, but the action is never performed.

  • Reactivate actions on events and states. The action will be performed as usual.

When you modify actions of a candidate selection process used by job applications, the changes are immediately available on these job applications. For example, if you add an action to an event, the action is triggered the next time the event occurs if the conditions for performing the action are met.

When you modify actions of a candidate selection process that generates additional configuration on job requisitions, the configuration of the job requisition or requisition template using this process is updated accordingly. This applies to these actions:

  • Send Interview Invite

  • Initiate Background Check

  • Request Assessment

  • Request Tax Credit Screening

When a job requisition uses a candidate selection process with deactivated actions, these actions are still visible on the job requisition configuration, but there is an indication that they're deactivated.

For actions that are waiting to receive information from a partner (for example, Initiate Background Check), a user, or candidate (for example, Request Information), the information will be accepted even if the corresponding action has been deactivated. The fact that the action is deactivated only impacts its triggering, not the reception of information later on.