Enable Alternate Email for Internal Candidate Communications

You can enable the use of an alternate email address when internal candidates without a work email apply for a job.

Internal candidates without a work email can provide an alternate email address to receive all recruiting notifications and employee communications. They can enter one alternate email address per job application. They can enter a different email address if they choose to. Recruiters and hiring managers can see that alternate email address in the Personal Info section of the candidate profile, in the candidate job application, in the prospect record, and in the candidate pool member record.

This feature applies to employees and internal contingent workers who don't have a work email. All the communication is captured in the Messages tab.

Here's what to do

  1. Enable the Internal Candidate Alternate Email Profile Option
  2. Configure the Use of the Alternate Email Address in the Internal Application Flow
  3. Add the Alternate Email Token to the Notification Gateway Alert

Enable the Internal Candidate Alternate Email Profile Option

You first need to configure the use of an alternate email address by enabling the profile option ORA_IRC_INTERNAL_CAND_ALT_EMAIL_ENABLED at the Site level, using the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option code ORA_IRC_INTERNAL_CAND_ALT_EMAIL_ENABLED.
  6. Set the profile value at the Site level to Y.
  7. Click Save and Close.

For details, see Create and Edit Profile Options.

Configure the Use of the Alternate Email Address in the Internal Application Flow

You now need to configure the use of the alternate email address in the internal application flow.

  1. Activate a sandbox and page editing at the Site layer in Settings and Actions Menu > Edit Pages > Activate a sandbox.
  2. On your Home page, go to My Client Groups > HCM Experience Design Studio.
  3. Click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
  4. Select the action Recruiting – Apply to Internal Jobs.
  5. Click Add to create a rule.
  6. In the Basic Details section, enter a name and a description for the rule.
  7. In the Show or Hide Regions section, set Alternate Email to Visible.
  8. Click Save and Close.

Add the Alternate Email Token to the Notification Gateway Alert

You need to add the Alternate Email token to the Notification Gateway alert to send emails to an alternate email address. This will ensure that the Notification Gateway will use the alternate candidate email when the feature is enabled.

  1. In the Navigator menu, go to Tools > Alerts Composer.
  2. Search for and open the IRC_Candidate_Notifications_Gateway alert.
  3. In the Edit menu, select Manage Recipients and Message.
  4. Click Add Recipient.
  5. For the communication method, select Mail.
  6. For the expression, add the token ${AlternateCandidateEmail}.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Save the alert configuration.