Info About Job Requisition Template Fields

While you create a job requisition template, consider the following info regarding specific fields.

Field Description
Display in Organization Chart When you select this option, it indicates if the requisition is visible in the My Team work area and the organization chart available in the Directory work area. Note that the responsive UI version of the Directory work area doesn't display requisitions in the organization chart; only older versions of the Directory are impacted by the value of this field.
Organization, Legal Employer, Department, Business Unit selectors The Organization, Legal Employer, Department, and Business Unit selectors only display items to which you have access according to your data role.
Hiring Manager When you select the Hiring Manager, you're asked if you want to use the business unit and department associated with the selected Hiring Manager. If you say yes, these fields are automatically filled.
Add Collaborator Type When you add a user as a collaborator on a job requisition, the user has the required data security to view this requisition.
Organization vs Department

What is the purpose of the Organization field compared to the Department field? The Organization field has important functional implications which the Department field doesn't provide.

The value selected in the Organization field can be used to drive the possible values to be selected for other requisition fields (candidate selection process and prescreening questions for example). This Organization value can also be used to drive data security, meaning it can be used to define which requisitions a user is allowed to see. The hierarchical nature of the Organization field (which is a value within the Organization tree) allows taking into account where the selected Organization is placed within the tree.

However, the Department field in the Offer section is a simple selection which will be defaulted in an offer created for this requisition. It doesn't impact anything else.

Posting Description This is where you define the posting description, short description, qualifications, and responsibilities of the job posted on the internal carer site, external career sites, or both.

The short description appears on the career site job search results page. That page displays the name, location, and brief description of the job. The Short Description field can contain a maximum of 1000 characters.

The description appears when a candidate clicks on a job to view the complete description of the job requisition. You can specify a different description for the internal career site and the external career site. Note that the internal short description is currently not used on the internal career site. The description is only displayed within the requisition.

Configuration This is where you can select configuration options for the job requisition template:
  • Candidate selection process: You select the candidate selection process used for the requisition.
  • External application flow: You select the application flow used for the requisition.
  • Allow candidates to apply when not posted: When you enable this option, recruiting users can invite candidates to apply on a job requisition that's currently not visible to other candidates. This could be the case if your organization wants to fill a high-level job or even a replacement and they want to keep it confidential.
  • Automatically open requisition for sourcing: You can specify if the requisition is automatically open for sourcing once it's approved, and post it on career sites.
  • Automatically unpost requisition: You can specify if the requisition will be automatically unposted from the internal career site, the external career sites, or both.
  • Automatically fill requisition: When you enable this option, the status of the job requisition is automatically changed to Filled once the number of hired candidates matches the number of openings on the job requisition.