Move Job Applications Automatically

When you configure a candidate selection process, you can add the Move action on a phase or state so that job applications are automatically moved to that phase or state.

Here are exceptions where you can't use the Move action:
  • The Rejected by Employer state of all phases.
  • The Withdrawn by Candidate state of all phases.
  • The events of the Offer phase.
  • All states of the Offer phase, except the Accepted state. You can add the Move action on the Offer - Accepted status only if you have custom phases after the Offer phase (the Move action can't be used to move to the HR phase).

If you configure multiple move actions on the same event or state, the processing of automated actions will stop once a move action is performed (condition on the action is met and action is performed). If an action needs to be triggered independently from the move action, you need to place it before the move in the list of actions, or place it on the destination state of the move.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.
  3. Click a phase.
  4. In the States for Phase section, click the Actions menu next to a state, then select Add Action > Move.
  5. On the Action: Move page, select the phase and state where job applications will be automatically moved.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Save and Close.


When a candidate job application is automatically moved to a phase or state, the current phase and state where the action is triggered is considered as being visited and that information is displayed in the progress history. For example, if the Move action is configured on New - Reviewed to automatically move to Screening - Phone Screen to Be Scheduled, the progress history indicates that New - Reviewed was visited and that the current status is now Screening - Phone Screen to Be Scheduled.