Guidelines for Configuring a Potential Assessment

To allow your reviewers to use the potential assessment feature to rate workers, you need to first configure a potential assessment questionnaire.

Use the Potential Assessment task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to do this. The Potential Assessment questionnaires are available in the Potential Rating folder.


You need to have at least one section for a Potential Assessment questionnaire. You use different sections to group questions by question type or other criteria. For each section, you can enter specific instructions.

You can select these options for a section:

  • Required: To ensure that respondents answer all questions in the section.

  • New Page: To start the section on a new page.

You can also control the order of questions and responses in the section.

Questions and Responses

In each section, you can add questions in these ways:

  • Create questions.

  • Add questions from the Potential Assessment question library.

Note: You can't add questions from the question library used for other questionnaires.

For each question that you create, you need to specify these values:

  • Question text

  • Response type: Single choice from a list or a radio button

To allow reviewers to add comments, select the Allow Additional Comments check box.

Available Responses

The rating levels in the Potential Assessment rating model decide the responses in these ways:

  • The number of rating levels is the same as the number of potential responses.

  • The text of the response is the short description value for the rating level.

  • The value of each response is the numeric rating of the rating level.

Number of Questions

These parameters decide the number of questions you add:

  • Number of rating levels and numeric rating for each in the Potential Assessment rating model

  • Rating level and corresponding range of review points for each rating level in the Potential Rating Model

To get a valid potential rating, add enough questions so the total of the numeric value of the responses maps to an appropriate level in the review points. The maximum total value for each rating level should fall between the review point range for the level.