Curate Suggested Skills for Oracle Learning in the Integrated Workbook

You can curate Oracle Learning skills suggestions in an integrated Microsoft Excel workbook and set the corresponding skill level. You can also specify whether the suggestion should be a related or outcome skill or qualification.

The workbook is available on the Advisor Processes page opened using the Advisor Processes task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. Open the workbook by clicking Update Skills in the appropriate process row.

  1. Set the applicable skill level. If you don't do it here, then you'll need to do it manually on the skills and qualifications page later.
  2. To accept a suggestion as a related skill or qualification, in the Include Suggested Skill field, enter Y.

    To accept a suggestion as a learning outcome, in the Include Suggested Skill and Write to person profile on completion fields, enter Y.

After you finish accepting all applicable suggestions and setting the skill levels, in the workbook header, click Upload. The Upload process ignores any suggestions with Include Suggested Skill set to N or marked as Delete.

To reject a suggestion, double-click in the Deleted field. You should see a blue dot appear. After you finishing rejecting all applicable suggestions, in the workbook header, click Delete. The Delete process ignores any suggestions that aren't marked for deletion.