Skills Advisor for Learning Curation Results

Here’s what happens in Oracle Learning when you set Include Suggested Skill to Y or N, or when you delete a suggestion.

  • Any skill suggestions with Include Suggested Skill set to Y show as related skills or qualifications on the course or specialization skills and qualifications page.
  • Any suggestions that have Include Suggested Skill and Write to person profile on completion set to Y show as learning outcomes with the selected skill levels. These outcome skills and skill levels are the only skills that transfer to learners’ talent profiles after they complete the learning.
  • Any course and specialization that has a related or outcome skill suggestion appears on the relevant skill page in Skills Center as a learning resource.
  • Any skill suggestions with Include Suggested Skill set to N continue to appear on the skills and qualifications page. But they don't become related or outcome skills and qualifications, and don't show in the details definition. They also don’t transfer to talent profiles after successful completion of the course or specialization.
  • Any skill suggestion that you delete from the skills and qualifications page or the spreadsheet is removed everywhere. The filter list you use to generate the skill suggestions can include the skill suggestion in future suggestions for that course or specialization. It can also include the suggestion in the course or specialization skills and qualifications page.

You open the skills and qualifications page from the course or specialization details page, definitions tab, General Information section. For Skills and Qualifications, click the Manage link.