Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning

Get important enrollment information and feedback about completed learning and instructors. Assess learner understanding of learning materials. And have enrollees and observers complete observation checklists.

Enrollment questionnaires, assessments, evaluations, and observation checklists are all questionnaires. Here's the basic process to create them. The tasks are in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development offering, Questionnaires functional area.

Before you start

If you use custom roles, make sure that you've these privileges, which are part of the delivered Learning Specialist abstract role:
  • Manage Questionnaire Templates
  • Manage Questionnaires
  • Manage Questions

For details, see the Security Reference for HCM guide on Oracle Help Center.

Here's what to do

  1. Create questions that appear in the learning questionnaires using the Question Library task. Be sure to select the appropriate subscriber: Learning Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations, or Learning Observation Checklist.

    To use the response scores to calculate the score of questionnaires configured for scoring, select Score Question. This option is available for only single-choice and multiple-choice questions. Observation checklists ignore the questionnaire score for both the learner self-assessment and observer assessment.

    Tip: You can set up single- and multiple-choice answer choices in random response order. For details, see the Put Your Answers in Random Order (Position Randomization) section in How You Create Questions.
  2. Create a learning questionnaire template using the Questionnaire Templates task. The template is the foundation of questionnaires and helps ensure consistency across all your learning questionnaires. For example, it can provide default settings or enforce requirements, such as specific sections and questions that all questionnaires created from the template must have.

    Be sure to select the appropriate subscriber: Learning Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations, or Learning Observation Checklist.

    Basic Information configuration tips:

    • To let learners see their scores, you need to select the Score Questionnaire option.
    • To let the assessment requester provide extra instructions or notes to learners, select the Allow changes to instructions option. The questionnaires created with the template then show the changed instructions.
    • To make the template available to people creating questionnaires, in the Status field, select Active.

    Contents configuration tip:

    • To specify whether to show questions in a single section or separate sections use the Section Presentation field. If you have them in separate sections, you can use the Section Order field to specify if the section order is sequential or random. If you've a single section, you need to select Sequential. For details about randomizing sections and questions, see the Put Your Sections, Questions, and Answers in Random Order (Position Randomization) section in How You Create Questions
  3. Create a questionnaire using the Questionnaires task. Be sure to select the appropriate subscriber: Learning Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations, or Learning Observation Checklist. The subscriber filters the templates that you can select from when you create the questionnaire. It also indicates if you can add the questionnaire to a course or offering.

    Review configuration tips:

    • To make the questionnaire available to people creating courses and offerings, in the Status field, select Active.
    • To see how the questionnaire appears to learners, on the Review stop of the guided process, click Preview.

What to do next