Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources

Before you can add assessments to learning course offerings, you need to add them to your content resources. For anyone to see the assessment, the questionnaire template used to create it must have the Score Questionnaire option selected.

Before you start

Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning.

Here's what to do

  1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.
  2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Assessment.
  3. On the Add Assessment page, complete the required and relevant optional information.
    The start and optional end dates identify the period when people can add the assessment to self-paced course activities.
  4. In the Content section, search for and select the assessment you want to use. The list contains only Learner Assessment type questionnaires.
  5. In the Advanced section, Mastery Score field, enter the minimum score required to pass the assessment. Learners who score below the mastery score for the offering activity get an incomplete for the activity. That Incomplete status rolls up to the offering and the course.
  6. Optionally complete the remaining fields.
    • If you enable a time limit, learners see a countdown clock in the assessment. After they start a timed assessment, learners can't save and close the assessment until they submit it, or time runs out. When the time runs out, Learning submits and scores the assessment. It then compares the score to the mastery score, to decide if the learner passed or failed the assessment.

      Tip: When you enter the time limit, you automatically set the expected effort too.
    • If the selected assessment has points for each question and you want to use them to calculate a passing score, select Enable Scoring.
    • If you don't let learning administrators view learner scores, they see only that the learner passed or failed the assessment. It works the same if you don't let learners view their scores.
    • To keep learners from sharing their correct answers with other learners, you might not want to let them from review their recorded attempt.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. To see how the assessment appears to learners, on the Contents page, use the search and provided filters to find the assessment.
  9. Select the assessment and on the Actions menu, select Preview.