Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization

Optionally override defaulted completion access and enrollment settings for a course, offering, or specialization. Also optionally override defaulted pricing and payment settings for a course or offering.

  • Override completion access and enrollment settings using the Manage Default Access button on the course, offering, or specialization page.
  • Override defaulted pricing and payment settings for a course when you configure the default offering attributes. For an offering, override them when configuring the general information.

Offerings inherit the access details from their parent course, and from the default offering attributes in the course configuration. Any changes to the course defaults apply to only the child offerings created after the changes. Typically, controlling access at the course level is enough. We recommend that you control access at the offering level only when you need to show the offering to only specific learners.

Tip: When you create voluntary or required learning assignments for a course, offering, or specialization, access defaults don't apply. These assigned learners have full access to the learning details and can immediately get started learning.