Examples of Handling Reported Learner-Created Content

Here are two examples of how reporting inappropriate content created by learners in Oracle Learning works.

Video of a Production Process

A production manager changed the production process in a very positive way. They take a video of the revised process and add it to the learning catalog to share with other departments. While watching the video, a colleague notes that the video was recorded in Building 8. Because company policy strictly prohibits showing any videos or pictures of that building, they immediately report the video.

The product manager gets an informational notification about the reported learning, And the approver gets the actionable learning incident notification. After reviewing the video, the approver confirms the issue and approves the report. The learning is automatically deleted and the product manager is notified of the deletion.

Learning Journey About the First Week of Employment

A new employee created a learning journey documenting what it's like to start working in their department that future hires can take. They got permission from everyone in the included photos before publishing the journey to the learning catalog. While working through the learning journey, another new hire reports the learning because some pictures show people's faces.

The learning creator gets an informational notification about the reported learning and immediately contacts the learning department. They let the learning administrator know about the report and that they've permission from everyone in the photos to use them in the learning. Getting the information about the permissions, the approver rejects the learning incident.