How Reporting Inappropriate Content Works

Content can be inappropriate for many reasons, such as the nature of the content, copyright or security issues, or major factual errors.

Typically inappropriate content reporting is used for learner-created videos and learning journeys. But it can also be used for official, organization-managed content. Here's the basic flow for the reporting of and fixing inappropriate content.

  1. A learner sees a catalog or self-service learning they feel is inappropriate and reports it.
  2. The learner who created the learning or the learning administrator responsible for the catalog learning are notified about the report.

    The approver gets a learning incident notification that they review and approve or dismiss. If they dismiss the report, the flow stops here.

  3. If the learning incident report is approved and the learning is self-service, approving the report also deletes the learning from Oracle Learning. The learning creator is notified about the deletion.

    If the learning is part of the learning catalog, the approver contacts the appropriate learning administrator so the administrator can act. They'll remove any learning assignments for the learning and remove the learning from the catalog. Or they'll make relevant changes and reassign the learning, as appropriate.