Profile Talent Ratings

The last area of the Edit Profile Type: Person page contains the Profile Talent Ratings. Talent ratings are ratings that are used to evaluate an employee, including performance, potential, proficiency, readiness, and impact. Ratings are used in multiple products within the Oracle Cloud HCM product family such as Profile Management, Performance Management, and Talent Review.

These predefined talent ratings can be defined as Active or not and can be configured to meet property presentation and subscription requirements. There are different configuration options depending on the specific rating.


Edit Profile Type: Profile Talent Ratings

Enabling Talent Ratings and Skills and Qualifications for Managers

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to set the value of the profile options listed in this table:

Profile Option Code Profile Option Name Value
ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interface Y